


  1. The fur coat is not ____ fashion now.

  2. The boss is busy now. Can you wait ______ two o’clock in the afternoon?

  3. Have you seen the film “Murder on the orient Express” ______ a B.B.C. Television programme?

  4. The examiner asked the students to write their names ____ the top of paper.

  5. In many countries people can buy things ______ installments.

  6. Please turn ______the light, it’s dark now.

  7. When the boy got ______ the bus, he found that two policemen were walking towards him in the street.

  8. I took three books ______ me when I came out of the library.

  9. Last year I travelled ______ a very large and beautiful ship to Hong Kong.

  10.Have you made _____ your mind where to go during the summer vacation?

  11.When I am ______ work, don’t bother me.

  12.When Miss Jones came _________. She found the doctors and nurses standing by her bed.

  13.Mary went to open the door and looked out _______ the garden.

  14.This monkey belonged ______ an old man who was fond of monkeys.

  15.She spent two evenings _______ playing chess.

  16.I am looking forward _______ your visit here.

  17.He is sitting at the table covered _______ flowers.

  18.What’s ______ today’s newspaper?

  19.They ran wildly crying ________help where no help could be.

  20.My little brother dreams _________ becoming a seaman.


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