


  Can you play the guitar?

  一. Knowledge and abilities goals:

  1.vocabulary:dance,swim,sing,play chess , paint ,speak English, play the guitar

  2. How to use Model verb” can”.

  3. Listening and speaking skills and communicative competence.

  二. Teaching method: Listening and speaking methods. Pair works.

  三. Moral goals: Encourage students to express their abilities.

  Content of courses: In this period, students will learn some names of clubs ,such as art , music, chess club, swimming club, etc. students will learn the drills :Do you want to join…club ?Can you …?

  四. Importance and difficulty: can

  Teaching Aids: A tape recorder. Some pictures. A projector Some sports things, such as volleyball, basketball, etc. Preparation test paper for lessons before class.

  五. Teaching Time: 4 periods

  Period 1 (Section A: 1a-2d)

  授课人:______ 授课班级: _____ 授课时间:2016年___月___日____午第____节

  1.Knowledge Objects: Learn to talk about abilities.

  Know something about the culture of clubs. Can you/he..?What can you do? What club do you want to join?can, can’t, draw, dance, swim, speak, walk.

  2.Teaching key point: can

  3. Teaching Difficult point: can

  4.Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1. Lead-in

  Enjoy a song I’m a musician

  T: Do you want to be a musician?   S:

  T: Can you play the piano?       S…

  T: What can you do?       S: I can…

  T: What about you?      S:

  T: OK, now please show your talent and tell us what you can do.

  Ask one of the students come to the front and do the action. Ask other students to guess what he or she can do.

  Step 2. Presentation

  T: Look at the pictures. What are they doing?  S:

  Step 3 Pair work

  Look at the pictures. Ask and answer like this:

  A: Can you play basketball?

  B: Yes, I can.  / No, I can’t.  Can you…?

  Step 4 Presentation

  Show some pictures of famous stars. Practice the third person “he, she, they”

  T: Where can you play chess?    S:

  T: Yes, in a chess club. This term, we have a lot of clubs. What club do you want to join?     S…

  T: Sounds great. Can you…?

  S: Yes, I can/ No, I can’t

  If the answer is negative, guide students to say:

  S: No, I can’t. But I can learn it from others.

  Step5 Pair work

  A: What club do you want to join?

  B: I want to join the…

  A: Can you …?

  B: Yes, I can . No, I can’t. But I can learn it from others.

  Step 6 Listening

  Listen to 1b

  Listen to 2a and 2b. Tell them to give special attention to listening activity (names of the clubs). Finish the tasks.

  Step 7 Pair work

  Look at 2b and talk about what the people can do the clubs they want to join.

  Step 7 Role-play the conversation 2d

  T: If you like telling stories. What club can you join?

  S: Story telling club.

  T: Right. Please read the conversation following the recording. Who wants to join the story telling club?  Then role-play the conversation.

  Step 8 Explain some language points.

  Step 9 Homework


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