

  第一部分 交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分)


  1. -- Howls the movie? Interesting?

  A. It was shown late until midnight

  B. It was starred by a few famous people

  C. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV

  D. I was seated far away in the corner

  2. --May I know your address?

  A. Sure. Here you are

  B. I have no idea

  C. It's far from here

  D, Sorry, I've forgotten

  3. -- Well, Mary, how are you?

  A. I'm good B. I'm pleased

  C. I'm fine D. I'm nice

  4.--Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?

  A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment B. No, you can't

  C. Sorry, you can't D. I don't know

  5.- Is this the motel you mentioned?

  A. It looks comfortable B. Yes, it's as quiet as we expected

  C. You're so considerate D. No, the price's reasonable

  第二部分 词汇与结构(20分,每小题2分)


  6. You_____to lock the door at night.

  A. should B. ought

  C. must D. shall

  7. Let me_____the case carefully before I draw a conclusion.

  A. look up B. look into

  C. look after D. look out

  8. You must explain_____how they succeeded_____the experiment.

  A. of us, for B. at us, at

  C. to us, in D. for us, to

  9. He is the man_____dog bit me.

  A. that B. which

  C. who D. whose

  10. Everything_____if Albert hadn't called the fire brigade.

  A. will' be destroyed B. will have been destroyed

  C. would be destroyed D. would have been destroyed

  11. I broke my leg when I_____skiing in America.

  A. is B. was

  C. -- (不填) D. would be

  12. At present, the most important thing is that Britain needs_____more to improve the relationship with the USA.

  A. to do B. doing

  C. to be done D. do

  13. I have lived here_____1997.

  A. for B. since

  C. at D. from

  14. She was convicted_____murder.

  A. to B. in

  C. of D. as

  15. All the team members tried their best. We lostthe game,

  A. however B. therefore

  C. since D. as


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