


  1、胖 _________


  3 篮球___________

  4 警察_________

  5 手__________

  6 锻炼___________

  7 健康的__________

  8 星期六____________

  9 重要的___________

  10 小时______________


  1. Playing basketball is easy, but playing football is ________________.

  2. I like the big T-shirt, I don’t like the ____________ one.

  3. The monkey is very light, but the pig is_____________.

  4. The bus is fast, but the bike is ___.

  5. My brother is weak, but I am ____.


  1骑自行车 _____________________

  2打乒乓球 __________________

  3 去学校________________________

  4打扫房间 _____________________

  5 刷牙_________________________

  6 步行回家 ___________________________

  7 做午餐_______________________

  8早餐前 ___________________________

  9 在星期日 _____________________

  10 起床___________________________


  1 Can you _____________(teach) me to play football?

  2 These balls are5___________(dallar) each.

  3 That woman is ______________(wear) a yellow dress.

  4 They ____________(buy) things at the shop yesterday.

  5 Everyone wants to be ____________(health) and strong.

  6. I do exercise for thirty ___________ (minute) every day.

  7. What do you always do __________(after的反义词)breakfast?

  8. _____________ (ride) a bike is exercise.

  9. My mother ______________ (wash) the clothes twice a week.


  ( )1 There _________ a basketball game last Sunday.

  A. is B. Was C. Were  ( ) 2 What did you __________ last night?

  A. did B. does C. Do  ( ) 3. Are you ready to __________ to play basketball?

  A. learnt B. learn C. learns  ( ) 4. Vegetables are good _________ for you.

  A. For B. About C. In  ( ) 5. Danny never _____________ his teeth after dinner.

  A.brush B.brushing C.brushes  六、按要求完成下列各题。

  1. my ping-pong is sport favourite (连词成句)  ______________________________________

  2. I play football and pping-pong. (就画线部分提问)

  ______________ ______________ do you play?

  3.Do you think it’s important to work hard? (作肯定回答)

  Yes, ___________ _______________.

  4. fruit you eat how do often ? (连词成句)  ______________________________________

  5. He had breakfast at about 7:30 on Tuesday morning. (就画线部分提问)

  __________ ___________ he have breakfast on Tuesday morning?

  八、从II 栏中选出I 栏各句的相应答语

  ( ) 1 How often do you eat vegetables?

  ( ) 2 What did you do last Sunday?

  ( )3 How many minutes do you walk?

  ( )4 Do you help your mother?

  ( )5 What sports do you play?

  A. About five minutes. B. Three times a week. C. I play ping-pong D. I cleaned my room. E. Yes, I do.


  Every day Bob gets up and makes his bed at seven thirty. He goes to the bathroom and washes his face. His mother cooks breakfast in the kitchen. Then have bread and milk for breakfast.

  Bob goes to school at eight thirty. There are many students in the school.

  It’s five o’clock. Bob says good-bye to his teachers and classmates. He goes home on foot.

  1. When does Bob get up every day?


  2 What do Bob and his mother have for breakfast?


  3 When does Bob go to school?


  4 How does Bob go home?



  请以“How to Be Healthy”为题写一篇作文








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