



  to practise reading for inference.

  to practise making opposites of adjectives using a prefix.

  to practise talking and writing about one’s experience of meeting someone for the first time.


  ☆ have you ever met someone you didn’t like, who later became your friend? tell the class.

  example the first time i met tom, he seemed very bad-tempered! then…


  ☆ read the text and answer the questions.

  1) where does the story take place?

  in the local library

  2) what kind of books does jenny like?


  3) what exam was jane studying for?

  an important science exam

  4) what was the last straw for jane?

  she heard someone humming behind her.

  5) what kind of person do you think jenny is?

  friendly, warm-hearted, forgiving

  6) how did jenny get jane’s phone number?

  she asked a librarian and got it from the library files.

  7) do you think that jane over–reacted in the library? have you ever experienced a similar situation when you were studying?

  you can answer this question according to your own experiences.

  ☆read the strategies and look at these true/false sentences. underline important words.

  example 1 = pleased

  1)jane was pleased when jenny started humming.

  2)tennyson must be a poet.

  3)jane first saw jenny near the poetry section.

  4)jane was upset that she had left her book in the library.

  5)jane didn’t feel that it was necessary to apologise.

  answers: ftttf


  ☆complete the paragraph below with the correct form of the following words.

  glance, annoy, recognize, concentrate, disturb,

  resist, whisper, glare, inconsiderate, grateful

  janet was 1) on writing an essay when a noise 2) her. she 3)

  her brother’s whistling. “shh” she 4) ,5) at him quickly. the noise didn’t stop.janet 6) the urge to scream and instead 7) at him angrily. “please stop it, simon. you are being very 8) ,” she said. but still he didn’t stop. janet was now very 9) .just then her father called simon out of the room. janet smiled, feeling 10) to her dad.

  answers: 1concentrating 2disturbed 3recognised 4whispered 5glancing 6resisted 7glared 8inconsiderate 9annoyed 10grateful


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