


  篇1: 幽默英语自我介绍

  I am a man, not a woman. XX years old, the height of XX meters - wearing shoes, temporarily unmarried.

  Key undergraduate - no examination, general undergraduate - a few points, so it can only be mixed with a junior college. However, the performance is very brilliant, primary school as a monitor, the white-collar is wearing a white shirt, work - eating chicken in the table in a multinational company, although is cleaning the table, but treatment is very favorable, if you don't arrive late or leave early. You could get the full 800 yuan yeah),

  I have a house - a monthly pay rent, a car - an environmentally friendly non - motor vehicle, a stack of passbooks and a stack of credit cards - nothing in it.

  I want to find a rich and beautiful city, tall and slim, gentle and lovely, reasonable, full of wit, ability of extraordinary woman now, similar to Bill Gates's daughter, Buffett's granddaughter and so on can be considered.

  篇2: 幽默英语自我介绍

  My name is * * *, thirteen years old this year, just first second.

  I am tall medium, 1, 66, and then ranked the tenth class, long face short nose, big feet have big hands, little eyes are not small, especially God's eyes, a big mouth to say, just say, "said one hour is also no problem, not tall not short the body, not fat not thin. In general, it is still more handsome.

  I go to school in Beijing City, our school uniform is not good, all is blue, so it is very good to recognize, one is the middle school students.

  My advantage is love, every morning I go out to exercise, run, play the horizontal bar, and so on.

  So, my school sports are very good, my study is also not to be questioned, the math exam has never been 90 points, my English is also good. So, my face is always the joyful expression of the overflowing.

  My shortcoming is that I can't play basketball, I don't know what's the matter, I don't like it, and I don't like i

  I always get out of class and don't pay attention to it. So, after the teacher called me, I was full of confidence to stand up, eighty percent are right, the harm of the teacher is angry and laugh.

  This is me, as soon as I see me, I always laugh, I will greet you enthusiastically, come on!

  篇3: 幽默英语自我介绍

  Hi, guys. As you know, we're fellow students. You are all familiar with me. So, what should I start with? Haw, it's somewhat embarrassing to tell you what you know well. But it doesn't matter at all. I'm here just for practicing my English. It's very important of your support. Let's go to business now.

  Hum-hum, first of all, you all know well my name. I'm from XX. Besides, I cannot tell you how old I am because it's a secret of a lady's age. The next, I like singing, swimming,crying, haw-haw...It is too much than what I could tell in one time. I like icecream, apple, orange, banana, and so on. Then let me introduce my family. My father...,and my mother...What a pity that I have no brothers or sisters. But fortunately, I have you as my classmates and friends.You really help me a lot.As well, I also enjoy helping each of you. Do you know my personalities? In fact, I'm not so clear.

  8、Hello everyone!I'm so glad that all of you can come here today.First,my neme is xxx(your name here).You must want to know my

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