
  • 发布时间:2019-10-31   浏览: 次   来源:签名   手机版




  1. Don't believe in the memory, the person inside, not necessarily the same you.

  2Don't blame others for always hurting you. Ask yourself why you allow this to happen.

  3To lose is worse than not to get, because there is a process called to have.

  4. As beautiful as a flower, the enemy is not the same as the year; If your heart is a stone, you can't beat the clouds. There is too little in the world, too much to forget. Some people who have been deeply in love with each other for a long period of time, think of it as a deep love. So I promise, I want to hold hands and grow old together.

  5Sometimes, think of a person to hide vulnerable, do not want others to see their wounds.

  6, many things, it is good to see; If you can't see it, it's time to get over it. Don't take it for granted.

  7No, of course not. Even before, you said you would never make me cry.

  8, my wing, be burned by a tear, can not fly to heaven.

  9, if, the red dust can see through the only want to filter out a body of dust, do not need my sheng xiao to make me around the shoulder red to pave the way for me; If the red dust can see through, would like to do a leisurely flower to bloom gently, let the seasons alternate, let flowers bloom; If the red dust can be seen through, just want to drink a bowl of meng Po tang to forget the past, since then, a person's red dust is old; A person's city pool is solid gold soup, a person's love mirror water month, from now on no longer dyed dust, since then merciless also no war.

  10You've been kicked out of my eyes since we broke up.

  11. Cover my scarred wounds with a little smile from me.

  12Every time you hate, there is a time when you don't work hard enough.

  13Love, it turns out, is a wine with a smile.

  14I know that the heart will be cold and the darkness will fall.

  15This time I leave you, the wind, the rain, the night; You smiled, I waved my hand, and a lonely road went to the ends.

  16If you can't forget yesterday, you won't have a better tomorrow.

  17When the snow falls, the Yellow River knows her sorrow. When the rain falls on the Yellow River, the Yellow River knows her sadness.

  18Youth is the age of who, who is tomorrow.

  19Active long, everyone will be tired, but I just feel tired.

  20One of the most successful things in a woman's life is to choose the right man. He's waiting for you at the door. The sun is setting. He is waiting for you at the edge of the mountain. The leaves are yellow. He is waiting for you under the tree. The moon is bent. He is waiting for you at fifteen. The drizzle is coming. He's waiting for you under the umbrella. The water is frozen. He is waiting for you by the river. Life is tired, he is waiting for you in heaven. You're old. He's waiting for you in the future.

  21, the remaining 21 grams of the soul, is the last way I love you.

  22I don't know if I can see you again, but I know that goodbye is a stranger.

  23If you can't hold the sand, you can raise it. If you can't wait, you may as well give up.

  24, you have a new love, I still can with what reason, and you are old.

  25, want the world to dance, all have no landing; See all the red and purple, the eyes become gray. The untold story of the past, the unforgotten float of three thousand.

  26Life is only a few decades, do not leave any regrets to yourself, laugh or cry as you like, and it is meaningless to oppress yourself. The bitterness of life has two, one is that the desire is not satisfied, the second is that it is satisfied.

  27, the road that passes, the wind blowing, you are the dream that I can never finish.

  28To fall in love with a man for a man, for a man to fall in love with a city.

  29After a long time, hot and hot water will turn into cold water, especially if you keep adding ice to your glass.

  30He is the only one for you, and you are one of them.

  31The love that is carved in the back of a chair will be like a flower on cement, a lonely forest without wind.

  32Red gauze, that is like rain and snow. Tearful eye frost flower, worry to pay him, blame the youth to use the wind, the only person alone care.

  33The most painful thing in the world is not your indifference, but your letting go, and I will live in the memory forever!

  34Love is like multiplication, one of which is zero, and the result is always zero, just like you and I.

  35The same role is played repeatedly every day, smiling at the sun in a helpless way.

  36People are always happy when they are close to happiness, but be swayed by considerations of gain and loss when they are happy.

  37The smile that once smiled like a flower, has been buried by the years of god. In the deepest memory, I still love your beauty.

  38, the red yan thin life, the empty has the talent sentiment, one of the love tears, grow into two world acacia, again meet, the peach blossom is still, the human face is all not.

  39A lot of times, you don't say, I also don't say, so, say and say to change, think to forget to calculate.

  40, I just want simple, simple and thick love.

  41I'm used to having you. I'm used to having you in my life. Let me get used to every day, I can't seem to do it.

  42Wait, not because the man will come back, but because of love.

  43There is more to life than loneliness. Lonely life without love, loneliness is the theme of love forever, I and my shadow alone, it says it has a whisper to want to say with me, it said it miss you very much, it turns out that I miss you and I are in the shadow of the.

  44I can't give you anything but disappointment.

  45Sorrow is like a dagger like a slow poison.

  46My acting must be so good that no one knows the pain.

  47, the other shore flowers, a thousand years, a thousand years, flowers and leaves do not meet, love is not cause and effect, destiny is doomed to life and death, floating, after all too many wounds. The noise, the silence, after all hiding but sad. Butterfly lovers, migrate a season, watch a season, to the shadow two phase abandon, love do not love for the sake of love, the seng-eng-engsheng tears in the rain, the year, the aftercare, after all too much pain, flowers, decline, after all escape but melancholy!

  48Silence is the best way to think and the best way to choose.

  49Love too much, love too deep, for a moment, the car, became hate.

  50Only those who have seen fireworks and love can know the beauty and desolation of the world.


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