



  英语关于春天的诗歌1:THE SCENT OF SPRING

  The village is full of the colour of white, and noises

  Acacia flowers are blooming, attracting the wings of bees

  To be covered with pollens of the sunshine

  If you mix acacia flowers with flour and steam it—

  We take a short cut to get ahead of the bees

  And smell the scent of the spring

  “Acacia honey, acacia honey—“ Beekeepers

  Prolongs his cry

  And the road from * to the beehives are prolonged as well


  Today is the day when daffodils bloom,

  When cumulus clouds roar across the sky,

  When light rain beckons spring to appear,

  Which children pick to fill the room.

  When robins returnSpring,

  Robert McCracken.

  Today is the day when bold kites fly,

  Today is the day when grasses green, when children cheer.


  When the springtime comes upon us,

  The Filling freshness in the air.

  Showing natures own beauty,

  With flowers blooming everywhere.

  Trees start slowly budding.

  Opening to the sun's warm rays.

  Start the birds to singing.

  Touching our hearts in these ways.

  The grass starts turning greener.

  Pushing up out of the ground.

  Nature is waking up.

  Sending forth her beautiful sound.


春天的英语小诗歌 关于春天的英语小诗歌
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