
  • 发布时间:2019-08-21   浏览: 次   来源:   手机版



  Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, first of all, on behalf of suzhou gusu travel service warmly welcome the arrival of, I am glad to have such a chance to cooperate with you and get along with, lion grove's commentaries in suzhou. I was everybody suzhou tour tour guides, you also can call me gao, sitting in the driver driving position in front of the teacher is our travel agency old driver, Mr. Wang driving skilled, more driving with decades of experience, so please to our journey of safety you can count on it. As the saying goes, "ten years in the same boat", we are today "ten years of repair and travel". I will try my best to solve any problems during the tour. In the end, I wish you a happy cooperation and enjoy your fun in suzhou.

  Today, we are going to visit the lion forest, one of the four famous gardens in suzhou. The four famous gardens in suzhou are the humble administrator's garden, the lion forest, the cangang pavilion and the garden. The lion forest was built in the yuan dynasty and is over six hundred years old. This garden was built by the buddhist monk tian, who was the teacher's teacher, and the teacher's teacher was the teacher's teacher. Later, because there are many fake mountains in the park, like a lion, in the way of writing it, it was changed to "lion forest". Lion Lin is known as the "kingdom of the rockery". Please look up, the "lion forest" on the gate of the ticket office is the imperial pen of emperor qianlong.

  The front is the main hall, which is the original beijia ancestral hall. Please follow the direction of my finger, above the roof there are three gods, fu lu shou samsung, on the right side there is a child, that is to say, at the ancestors hope children under the blessing of fu lu shou samsung can flourish, families and grandchildren.

  Now we are looking at the nine lion peaks which are made of taihu stone. If you look carefully, you will find nine lions of different forms. We often say that the world is not lack of beauty, but lack of beautiful eyes. Three points, seven. A few lions will see the imagination. Supposedly under emperor qianlong jiangnan came to the lion forest in the number of lions, for a start, the emperor saw two lions, ministers later heard three, four, seven, the emperor would face, the in the mind is more urgent, they boast the sea mouths speak see nine lion. In ancient China, the number of the number of the number of the number of Yang, the largest number of the single digits, was only used by the emperor, such as the throne of the emperor called "xx", and the emperor called "the zun of xx". The emperor said he found nine, and the ministers agreed, hence the name "nine lion peaks". From our perspective, the three lions can be seen clearly, with a lioness on the right and a male lion in the middle, and a young lion at the bottom right of the male lion. Now, it's called "family portrait". You can take a picture here.

  Now we come to the main body of the lion forest: the rockery group, the guide word "suzhou lion Lin guide". The fake mountain covers an area of 1.78 mu, which is built according to five lines of gossip, up and down 3 floors, with 9 routes and 21 holes. The whole rockery group is made of taihu stone in jiangsu province. Taihu and hole in the stone, fake rocks, limestone is due to the erosion gradually formed after a long period of time, the soft stone easy to weathering, and more hard place preserved, so in the long years, taihu gradually formed the twists and turns round shape. This also fully reflects the characteristics of fake mountain rocks: thin, leaky, transparent, wrinkly, ugly.

  Emperor qianlong jiangnan, ten times had six times came to the lion forest, the rockery group is in love, because of distance, qianlong in yuanmingyuan, chengde summer resort imitation built two lion grove. One time, the emperor was alone in the mountains, and felt very funny, but he walked for two hours, which is now four hours before he came out. Later, a local expert on the gossip in suzhou stood on the high ground and saw the emperor, who led the qianlong from the rockery group. The emperor had a good face and wrote the words "really funny". Xiuai looked at it, and felt that the emperor's problems were so bad that he said to qianlong, "yes" is very good. Can you give this word to the minions?" Qianlong is also a point namely to realize, now "three words so cheesy, this is the origin of the real interesting pavilion.

  The time is half an hour to visit freely, if you want to climb rockery, please listen to me about climb the golden rule of rockery, because it is according to the five lines of gossip packing, so in the next exploration process, we are going to walk along a direction, that is where a fork in the road, if you choose to turn right, turn right has been; If it's left, then turn left. You can also look for the real interest of the qianlong inscription. At the same time, please pay attention to the safety, the elderly and the children will be accompanied by the adults, we will be together in the exit half an hour later. Have fun.

  The good times are always short, and our trip to suzhou will be over. I believe that in these days, suzhou is becoming more and more popular with the "heaven above and suzhou and hangzhou". Thank you very much for your support and cooperation in the last few days. If there are any inconsiderate places, please bear with me. If you have any valuable Suggestions or Suggestions, I will improve them carefully in future work. As the saying goes, two mountains can't meet each other. I look forward to seeing you again. Finally, I sincerely wish you all the best in the future life! Thank you!


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